The most dangerous part of an employee’s workday is when they’re on the road. Just one work-related motor vehicle collision could affect your organization’s productivity and finances, but more importantly, the health and future of your employees.

How businesses can get started:

  • Strong policies – Have a strong policy that prohibits the use of portable electronic devices while driving.
  • Establish work procedures and rules that do not make it necessary to text while driving.
  • Make safe driving an integral part of your business culture.


Refresher driver training is always a good idea, even for experienced drivers and especially post-incident. It can help drivers reexamine their driving habits and attitudes and make the right decisions to prevent collisions in the future.  Best practices are to:

  • Provide continuous driver safety training and communication. 
  • Train workers on driving distractions and to not solely rely on navigation and other advanced technology systems.
  • Instruct drivers to take extra precautions during inclement weather. Ensure drivers know procedures, times and places for drivers to use phones and other technologies for communicating with managers, customers and others.

Defensive Driving Safety Training has proven to be an effective solution to:

  • Control liability costs associated with work-related vehicle crashes
  • Reduce insurance premiums and fleet repair bills
  • Reduce motor vehicle incident rates
  • Decrease in workers’ compensation claims
  • Improve productivity by keeping employees safe, on and off the job
  • Protect your brand by improving public perception of your driving practices

Vehicle and driver safety

  • Review and consider the safety features of all vehicles used, including late model vehicle safety systems (e.g., collision warning, driving control assistance).
  • Check the driving records of all employees who drive for work purposes. Ensure vehicles are safe and properly maintained.
  • Encourage workers to focus on the road, avoid electronic distractions, slow down in work zones and not drive if fatigued.

Safety at work is no accident

  • Build a workplace culture of safety through explicit policies and sound practices. Incorporate safe communications practices into work orientation and training.

Benefits to your business

  • Keep your employees safe
  • Reduce the costs of crashes and incidents
  • Reduce stress and improve employee morale
  • Minimal business interruptions

Spencer-SHE has been providing Safety, Health, and Environmental Compliance Guidance since 1980. Our on-site consultation program can help any size business keep workers well trained and safe.

Contact us here to help you to develop and maintain a safe and healthy workforce.

