Walking-Working Surfaces

Walking-Working Surfaces

Slips, trips, and falls constitute the majority of general industry accidents. They cause 15% of all accidental deaths and are second only to motor vehicles as a cause of fatalities.  Active participation by management, supervisors and employees is necessary to...
Emergency Preparedness & Response

Emergency Preparedness & Response

When an emergency occurs, there is not much time to figure out a plan to get everyone to safety. Emergencies present a variety of hazards for employees in impacted areas. Developing a plan before an emergency happens is crucial in ensuring that your team has the...
Fire Prevention in the Workplace | OSHA 1910.39

Fire Prevention in the Workplace | OSHA 1910.39

Industrial fires can cost companies and governments a significant amount of money and lead to devastating loss of life. According to a recent statistic from the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), an average of 37,000 fires occur in industrial and manufacturing...
Powered Industrial Trucks | OSHA 1910.178

Powered Industrial Trucks | OSHA 1910.178

Powered industrial trucks (PITs) are commonly used in industry to carry, push, pull, lift, stack, or tier materials. The hazards associated with PITs vary depending on the vehicle type, workplace environment, and application. Without proper training and understanding...
Heat Stress Awareness and COVID-19 Safety

Heat Stress Awareness and COVID-19 Safety

As summer continues in full force, it is important to consider methods to keep workers protected from heat related illness while wearing face coverings. Here are some tips to keep employees working outside or in labor intensive positions healthy in the heat: Ensure...