
Records Management

Over the years, customers are consistently challenged with the ability to maintain organized and secure records for all their Safety, Health, and Environmental programs. To address these challenges, we are now providers of the records management software, MyMomentum™. Records are organized in a central location and easily accessible.

MyMomentum™ Software

MyMomentum™ is a simple, affordable and proven mobile solution that will get you organized, in compliance and make you more insurable. Built by in-house people, for in-house people, MyMomentum™ is engineered to help your existing headcount take your programs to the next level.

By replacing manual processes and utilizing intuitive navigation, MyMomentum™ brings visibility to management and drives consistency and accountability across all your operations. From customers to employees to insurance companies, you can readily demonstrate your commitment to doing it right.  Get peace of mind knowing that you are meeting all regulatory requirements and that your documentation is organized in a single, secure location and available on any device.

Our subscription plans are month-to-month with no long-term commitment and start as low as $250/month.
Please contact us today to find out more.